Schedule Update


Thank you for your continued support of the planning process for the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan.

While we will do our best to continue the planning process during these uncertain times, the current conditions necessitate some changes in our process.

In the interest of everyone's health and safety, the Ambassador & Strategic Advisors' meetings and Community Workshops scheduled for April and May have been postponed.

We are in the process of developing a virtual engagement strategy and will share information on how to access the meetings closer to the meeting dates.

Our hope is that the virtual meetings will be engaging, informative , and provide an option that allows us to continue sharing information as well as receiving your input.

We will follow the Center for Disease Controls (CDC) Guidelines before scheduling any in person meetings; however, we look forward to an in-person meeting once it is determined to be safe.

Any updates will be posted on our website and on our social media pages.

Stay Well,

- The Charlotte Future 2040 Team