
What is a comprehensive plan?
What is a Comprehensive Plan?

Thanks to the 500,000+ residents who participated in the development of the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the plan was adopted by Charlotte City Council on June 21, 2021.

The Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan is the long-range plan that will guide the development and investments made in our city over the next two decades.

Why are we doing one?

Charlotte is one of the fastest growing cities in the United States. With your help, we created a plan that will guide us through how we address the city’s growth and how we invest in the city over the next 20 years. Many U.S. cities have plans like this one, but Charlotte has not had a comprehensive plan since 1975. It is a living document that took community input and ideas and turned them into actions.

It is the roadmap to creating a vibrant city that offers opportunities and amenities for everyone.

The Charlotte Future 2040 Plan is beneficial in number of ways. It helps us to:

Identify what practices and plans we should keep and what should change;
Develop plans to identify and address our opportunities and challenges in various areas;
Create a path for our city’s growth that is clear and easy to understand that serves as the foundation for our community’s vision;
Address important issues that affect our community’s sense of equity, such as access to public transportation, affordable housing, affordable and nutritious food and more;
Serve as a shared vision for Charlottes’ growth and development that is endorsed by our entire community;
Provide an updated Blueprint that guides how land is used, what infrastructure we invest in and how new policies are developed; and
Provide steps that outline how we start to live the plan and how we measure its success.

Why should you care?

Charlotte is YOUR City and this is Your Plan. This plan helps us decide how we build the places we live, work and play in. This plan sets priorities for the City as we address housing, transportation, parks, and everything that goes into living in Charlotte. Community participation in this process helped shape the future. Those who shared their voice and thoughts helped to create this plan.

What is the planning approach?

The Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document that directs the City’s long-range development efforts and the other types of plans critical to realizing the community’s vision and goals. The intent of a new planning approach and revised hierarchy is to ensure that planning at all levels in Charlotte is completed in an efficient and effective manner with meaningful participation and buy-in from individual residents, neighborhoods, property owners, business owners, partner agencies, major institutions and other key stakeholders. Read more HERE.